{ Everything Shale

Five Things to Know about #ExxonKnew #FakeNews Ahead of Tillerson’s Confirmation Hearing

Activists have built their entire #ExxonKnew campaign on manufactured claims that have been repeatedly debunked. Now with the confirmation of former Exxon President and CEO Rex Tillerson set for tomorrow, even Bloomberg Government said in a post today that “#ExxonKnew has quietly faded.”

“Look for climate change to come up in Tillerson’s hearing, but not #ExxonKnew. Instead, Democrats will be asking how he squares his moderate views with Trump and the rest of Trump’s advisers. The question is likely to be: What does Exxon know that Donald Trump doesn’t?”

So without the facts on their side, and grappling with being essentially ignored, ExxonKnew activists have resorted to what they know best: generating fake news.

Here are the top five things to know regarding the latest bogus claims they’ve been pushing ahead of the hearing.

#1. Activists rehash #FakeNews story claiming Exxon funds “denier” groups; meanwhile Senate Democrats got $9 million from the #ExxonKnew campaign

NextGen Climate, the group spearheaded by billionaire #ExxonKnew activist Tom Steyer, had a story placed in the Huffington Post this week that rehashes the tired claim that ExxonMobil has given $6.5 million to “climate denier groups.”

First, these groups included in NextGen’s list of “deniers” are the same groups targeted by the U.S. Virgin Island Attorney General’s subpoena, which was retracted last year. They are also the same groups featured in a report released last year by the Rockefeller-funded Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, which bizarrely accused a number of organizations that support policies to reduce emissions (including a carbon tax) of being science deniers. For more on that, click here.

Meanwhile, Daily Caller reported today that NextGen and other groups in the #ExxonKnew campaign ...

